
Upcoming events

Hiber Forum

Hiber Forum is an annual event dedicated to addressing a broad spectrum of youth development issues.

This premier gathering will bring together academics, young people, and key decision-makers to explore solutions and share best practices on topics ranging from education, health, and employment to youth empowerment.

Register to be part of this event.


September 2024

past events


December 2023

Youth Consultation on Using Media for Social Change and Advocacy

TaYA will hold a youth consultation on “Using Media for Social Change and Advocacy”  on Saturday, December 23 2023. Experts on the topic will have an interesting discussion on the power of media and how young people can make use of social media platforms for social change and design their social media campaigns.


December 2023

Youth Consultation on Gender Based Violence(GBV)

TaYA will hold a youth consultation on GBV with particular focus on GBV in humanitarian settings, the correlation between GBV and disability as well as GBV and the law in Ethiopia on Saturday, December 9 2023. Experts on the topic will facilitate discussion on the areas and there will be a deep dive into the importance of prevention of GBV and the how. Please register for a chance to attend this event in person.


November 2023

Youth Consultation on the SDGs

TaYA will hold an in-person youth consultation on the SDGs with a particular focus on SDG 3(Good health and well-being), SDG 5 (Gender equality), and SDG 13 (Climate action) on Nov 4. Experts on the three SDGs will facilitate discussion on the areas, and there will be a deep dive into the role of Ethiopian youth in achieving the targets of the SDGs.


March 2023

Embrace Equity – IGD

This event brings together young people and adults to discuss the importance of embracing equity by creating a stage where exemplary women share their positive experience with gender equity.


August 2021

Intergenerational Dialogue

Talent Youth Association is pleased to invite you for an Intergenerational Dialogue on Federal Ministry of Health’s Adolescent Health Service Barrier Assessment (AHSBA).


August 2021

ከጀግናው ሻምበል አበበ ቢቂላ ታሪክ ወጣቶች ምን ሊማሩ ይችላሉ?

የዓለም ወጣቶች ቀንን በማስመልከት ለወጣቶች የተዘጋጀ ልዩ የበይነ መረብ ውይይት።


March 2021

Digital world: Uplifting the youth

This webinar will explore ways on how to capitalize on this to create employment opportunities for young people.

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COVID-19 has caused social, economic, and psychological impacts especially to young people all over the world.

The consequences of COVID-19 will extend beyond health and last even after the pandemic is over. This global crisis is exacerbating existing vulnerabilities and inequalities. School closure, loss of Jobs, domestic violence and stress related to individual’s getting sick by the virus, are some of the few effects. Digital platforms are enabling students to pursue online learning, entrepreneurs to engage in e-commerce, and workers to earn income through online freelancing and micro-work.

These remote opportunities are particularly beneficial for young women and other vulnerable youth who have been disproportionately affected by the crisis.

This webinar will explore ways on how to capitalize on this to create employment opportunities for young people.